Are you willing to tell your feelings about Japan to your friends in your home country and you cannot wait to be back? Well, we guess that emails and social media will do. In the past, it was incredibly expensive to contact people overseas, especially making phone-calls. Indeed, we must admit that we were born in a globalized world.

Still, let me tell you how to make an international call from your device in Japan. Follow these three steps:

① Enter the international telephone identification number
Enter as a signal for making an international call.

・Calling from a mobile phone
“+” (Plus mark) is the international telephone identification number. To display it, press dial button 0 for a while on the mobile phone or press * quickly twice.

・Calling from a landline
Different companies usually have different international telephone identification numbers. When making an international call from your hotel, please check out your room facilities-guide.

Except for some restricted areas, international calling is usually available. When using the international calling function, please dial as follows.

“0033-011- or country code phone number”
* The other party’s phone number starts with the area code, but you do not need to enter the first 0 of the area code.

② Enter country code
Enter the country code according to the country you want your call to be transferred to.

③ Enter the phone number without the zero
In countries such as the United States, phone numbers do not start with 0, so enter them as they are. You can make international calls by dialling after having entered ①~③.

Call example (calling the UK)

・From a mobile phone
+ (① International telephone identification number) 44 (② UK country code) 7123-456-789 (③ Telephone number excluding the 0)

0033-010 (① International telephone identification number) -44 (② UK country code) -7123-456-789 (③ phone number excluding leading 0)