If you are in the process of learning Japanese, or if you are going to learn Japanese in the future… Or if you are interested in the Japanese language… We would like you to memorize the Japanese expressions “超(Cho)” and “ヤバい(Yabai)” that we will explain here. We can say that the two expressions are the most versatile Japanese words. Probably, if you ask people who have mastered Japanese quite well, we are sure they will agree with that, saying “That’s right”. They can be found in articles on the web, books, movies, anime, dramas, etc. In everyday conversation, they are really common. We wonder if they are already being used unconsciously. But, even though they’re used a lot, it seems to be considered overly casual words as an official expression, right?


The word “超(Cho)” is a very casual expression of the words “ridiculously”, “very”, “extremely”, “super” and “even more”. The word “Epic” used in the name of this website is probably quite close in meaning. We said it was too casual to be used in an official situation, but we think you’ll often see it as “超特価” or “超おすすめ” in some stores. As a matter of fact, unless it’s a very solemn or very public occasion, it’s used quite often. This “超(Cho)” can be added to any noun, verb, adverb, adjective, or exclamation. By simply adding the word at the beginning, just like “超○○”, you can emphasize the word to the fullest. Moreover, it has the effect of making those words have a positive, good connotation, or a slightly joking, friendly connotation. Even if your words are a bit harsh, the addition of “超(Cho)” will not give a bad impression. How does it feel? Useful, isn’t it?


“ヤバい(Yabai)” is a versatile word that can include all kinds of connotations of words that describe emotions or the state of something. “Amazing”, “interesting”, “fun”, “pleasant”, “interesting”… And what’s more, it can also mean the opposite of those things. It may be said that the word is so versatile that its original meaning has been lost…

Well, well. If you combine these two words, you get “超ヤバい(Cho-Yabai)”, right? This word may be the most perfect versatile Japanese words. It will not make a bad impression on the other person, and it will be taken as a compliment of the highest order. It’s not a joke. The Japanese expressions equivalent to “超(Cho)” and “ヤバい(Yabai)”, which are widely used today, actually existed about 1200 years ago! The word for “超(Cho)” was “いと(Ito)”, and the word for “ヤバい(Yabai)” was “おかし(Okashi)”. The two words are also very common in classical literature such as “Taketori-Monogatari” or “Makura-no-Soshi”, which are well known to people overseas. The way those words are used is almost the same. The people of that era also said at all hours of the day. Like this, “Ito-○○~”, “Okashi~”~!( ̄▽ ̄)!~ OK. Memorize the two Japanese expressions, “超(Cho)” and “ヤバい(Yabai)”. Oh, and “Ito-Okashi”, right? It probably still works today. We’re sure those words will come in very useful someday somewhere.