What is often seen in restaurants and other public places is some kind of luggage placed in unattended seats. Shopping bags, bags, smartphones, handkerchiefs, etc. Although recently we no longer see bags and smartphones, Japan may be the only country which personal property is left unprotected in seats. But in the first place… What does it mean when things like that are left behind? Some people may have had this question. The answer is “place taking”. It means “This seat has already been taken”. And at the same time, I’m actually asking the people around me: “If there is a person who threatens to take my reserved seat or take off my luggage, please will you challenge them?” Of course, this is a silent request.

To take a look at the effect… It’s surprisingly good. The seats and luggage are usually safe. We mean, this can be said to be common sense. Japan is a very safe country. In fact, it’s still quite common to see it today, but if you’re not used to it. But, please don’t try to imitate. Never leave your belongings unprotected. It’s dangerous. It’s quite disappointing, but we think Japan’s security is worse than it was a while ago. It’s not that the number of crimes have increased. To understand the issue fully, perhaps it’s because Japanese people too no longer feel “absolutely safe.” Keeping your valuables and other items is fundamental. However, if you have to leave your baggage, please say a word to the people around you. Because there is a big difference depending on whether or not you communicate with others.